Drawing the nude in Badingham. On Saturday the 10th of September 2022, life drawing took place at the White House, Badingham, Suffolk. A small group of people attended…
Gamblin’ bar room nudes – is the title of a triptych by Alan Dedman based on miniature, pornographic playing cards which fell from the roof space above his…
David Cockney admits that in the absence of a muse, any artist worth their salt will be obliged to work from photo-reference. Besides, Dave says that these days…
At the time when this event occurred, we had no idea of it’s Art-historical significance. With natural flair, Dedman put the F into Art and changed the character…
In exploring his spin painting gimmick, I believe I’ve taken things further than the ‘richest artist on earth’ (Damien Hirst). A colleague from St. Martins suggested I put…
‘Drawing is the probity of Art’ so Ingres said. All people who study Art in any shape or form will eventually find themselves doing some life drawing or…
At studio1.1 Alan Dedman showed an eclectic mix of imagery, created over the recent years at his studio in Somerset. Linking traditional, figurative painting with ‘automated action painting’…