Alan Dedman artworks for sale: I was set to be a gamekeeper on the Snettisham estates in Norfolk. Instead it was determined I should study Art. I went a long way in art education, studying, living and working in Central London.
After sixteen years, I reverted to a rural life in the West Country – where amogst other things, I’ve worked as a lumberjack. City living never absorbed my physical energies.
In reaction to working with hairy loggers I returned to painting and making. I believe a Classical training affords me ‘pricks to kick against’; which is what’s missing from Post-modernism.
Olwyn Bowey RA once said to me: ‘Never paint to the market, only paint that which you like and are interested in’. Carel Weight’s former girlfriend was among staff at St. Martin’s and the Royal Academy Schools, Her advice was fair; I concentrate on people, characters, energy, action and colour.
If you study art, you should be able to paint and draw competently. I have achieved this. The detailed portrait studies I make are from life. They involve very little drawing, I paint directly onto the support.
These days I no longer seek ‘to please the Gods’ (in London or elsewhere) with ‘Good Boy’ paintings. I believe you should make art to suit yourself, my oeuvre is eclectic and varied. As are those of Gerhard Richter or Pablo Picasso.
Below are examples of art-works for sale. Click on any image to see an enlarged version. ‘Tiger Life’ has a tiny sticker of a tiger on it, (based on graphics from a South American greengrocer). ‘Gamblin’ bar room nudes‘ is a triptych on A4 size boards. ‘Where’s Willy?‘ is a section of a large painting in charcoal and acrylic on canvas.
With AI the human touch is more valid than ever. My art consists of colour, humour, absudity ….. isn’t ‘Woke. It is colourful and sensual. Not painted to the market. Alan Dedman artworks are in private collections alongside the likes of Elizabeth Frink, John Piper et al; they tend to be for the domestic market.
If you would like to commission Alan Dedman to make work specifically for you – then see
Alan Dedman artworks for sale: works differ in size, medium and price. Some are A6 others, 1.5m x 3m. Prices reflect size and are negotiable. If you have any questions about a particular piece, please leave your details on the contact form below – we will get back to you.
If you would like to purchase an Artwork by Alan Dedman, please use the PayPal button below. After clicking ‘Pay Now’, complete the amount requested for the work on the next page. Sign into PayPal or choose Don’t have a PayPal account ? to pay by Debit or Credit card. Use the additional information box on the payment page to specify your location. The price shown is for the Artwork; depending on your whereabouts there will be necessary charges for postage and packing.
For terms and conditions of sale click here.
You can also see a show of Alan Dedman Artworks at the Wayward Gallery – a fast moving ‘cyber-guerilla’ exhibition.
Thanks to: Melanie Phillips, Julian Wakeling, Stephen Bayley, Leontia Riley, Alex Binnie, Alex and Vicky, Stephen Morris.
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