Tag: King’s Lynn


Transgressive. Michael Keenan, one of the curators of studio1.1 in London described my work as ‘alarming’ and ‘transgressive’. It was good to hear his feedback. After too much…

Derek Mace, Tony Keeler, Emrys Parry

Derek Mace, Tony Keeler and Emrys Parry at the Yare Gallery. The exhibition ‘Now and Then’ (run recently) features artists and ex-students from Great Yarmouth College of Art…

Bums and mad dogs

Bums and mad dogs: why? In 1969 there was an outbreak of rabies in the UK. A pet mongrel ‘went mad and died of rabies’ in Surrey. Meanwhile…

NORCAT – or ‘the College of West Anglia’

Before leaving school, I sought work for myself. The village gamekeeper (Jack Plaice) arranged for me to be ‘taken under the wing’ of John King on the Snettisham…