Painting Stephen Morris is something I never thought I’d do back in 1986 when we seemed to have parted company ‘forever’. Stephen had just married Ljuba; we attended…
‘All about BGD’ is the label my father put on a photo album. The initials BGD stand for Basil, George Dedman. Whilst clearing their home, I found photographs…
Me, Vlad and Brenda is a triptych by Alan Dedman, in acrylic paint on canvas. “I used monochrome images, based on photo reference, to create three ‘spin portraits‘…
Colourful language will soon be proscribed (banned) by the Thought Police. Anything naughty, rude or saucy is definitely off menu these days. Degenerate Art, portraying distasteful subject matter…
One of the problems with the Fine Art World is – it takes itself far too seriously. Penis paintings offer light relief from the humdrum seriousness of the…
In exploring his spin painting gimmick, I believe I’ve taken things further than the ‘richest artist on earth’ (Damien Hirst). A colleague from St. Martins suggested I put…