Derek Mace, Tony Keeler, Emrys Parry

Derek Mace, Tony Keeler and Emrys Parry at the Yare Gallery. The exhibition ‘Now and Then’ (run recently) features artists and ex-students from Great Yarmouth College of Art…

All about BGD by Alan Dedman

‘All about BGD’ is the label my father put on a photo album. The initials BGD stand for Basil, George Dedman. Whilst clearing their home, I found photographs…

The Wanking Machine by Alan Dedman

Stephen Pippin was feted at the South London Art Gallery (SLAG) in a show curated by Carl Freedman. ‘Minky Manky’ was a carefully selected hotch-potch of work by…

Roderic Barrett – appreciation by Alan Dedman

My first encounter with Roderic Barrett was during interview at the Royal Academy Schools. We sat opposite one another in the Keeper’s office. Barrett was wearing a waist…