Tag: Alan DedmanPage 2 of 11

Where’s Willy?

Where’s Willy? For doubting John Thomases out there, penises are in (for the Summer, at least) In the Post-modern search for identity, this visual puzzle is for the…

Bums and mad dogs

Bums and mad dogs: why? In 1969 there was an outbreak of rabies in the UK. A pet mongrel ‘went mad and died of rabies’ in Surrey. Meanwhile…

RASEAG at Anteros Norwich

RASEAG at Anteros Norwich is a mixed exhibition of artworks by people who have previously attended the RAS and hail from or live in East Anglia. The Royal…

Life and how to draw it

Life and how to draw it – that was the challenge at the White House, Badingham, on Saturday the 29th of April. Ten learners assembled to gain a…

Stephen Morris by Alan Dedman

Painting Stephen Morris is something I never thought I’d do back in 1986 when we seemed to have parted company ‘forever’. Stephen had just married Ljuba; we attended…

The Metamorphoses of Covid

The Metamorphoses of Covid is an epic blog by British artist Alan Dedman. The Roman poet Ovid, created a classic in which human and godly interactions are illustrated…

All about BGD by Alan Dedman

‘All about BGD’ is the label my father put on a photo album. The initials BGD stand for Basil, George Dedman. Whilst clearing their home, I found photographs…


November is a month when things recede into the earth. The American alt rock artiste, Tom Waits wrote a poignant song about November: ‘it only believes in a…

Draw, draw, draw with Alan Dedman

Draw, draw draw. Why? Because it’s good for you. Edifying. Drawing from life (or the nude) is a form of Classical art procedure. I was once asked why…

Drawing the nude in Badingham

Drawing the nude in Badingham. On Saturday the 10th of September 2022, life drawing took place at the White House, Badingham, Suffolk. A small group of people attended…